Thursday, October 1, 2009

National Day 2009

Happy 44th birthday Singapore!!!!

Photos courtesy of Mr Thomas Tan and Mr Izwandy 2009.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Winners of Racial Harmony Day Reflections

Racial Harmony Day 2009

Theme: "Know your neighbours."

Secondary One

3rd place: Izamanshah, 1-7

2nd place: Nurfatehah, 1-7

1st place: Crystal, 1-7

Secondary Two

3rd place: Kimberley, 2-7

2nd place: Farzana Yasmin, 2-5

1st place: Muhd Safwan, 2-2

Secondary Three

3rd place: Neo Hui Juan, 3-6

2nd place: Chan Kai Qi, 3-8

1st place: Elisha, 3-8

Entry submitted by mystery person (below): This piece is done by a Secondary 3 student who did not leave his/her name on the reflection! This is easily top 3 material, but it's a pity! Lesson learnt: always write your name on your assignments/work! Anyone knows who drew it?
[Disclaimer: Unfortunately there will be no prizes for this mystery person. However, your name might appear here and you will gain recognition for the beautiful drawing you have done!]

Secondary Four & Five

3rd place: Vicky, 4-4

2nd place: Elis, 4-10

1st place: Maria, 4-10

Congratulations to all winners! Some of you (especially the graduating classes) have not claimed your prizes. The NE comm will be passing them to your Form Teachers.

Thank you everyone for their active participation in the commemoration of Racial Harmony in Singapore!

Remember, racial harmony is not by chance!

We must never take racial harmony for granted!

Let us live harmoniously among our friends and neighbours from different races!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Regent Secondary School's National Day Celebration

Pics to be up soon!

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Racial Harmony Day Commemoration! "Who's your neighbour!"

Racial Harmony Day (Chinese: 种族和谐日) is celebrated annually on 21 July in Singapore. The event is to commemorate the 1964 Race Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964.


You can read more on the race riots here:

For the lower secondary, the deadline for the submission of entries for the RHD video competition is over. Watch this space as we showcase these videos! Winning entries will also be shown during the National Day Concert! (Depending on the h1n1 situation, the national day concert may or may not take place.)

This week during your contact time, you will be learning more about the different races, as well as penning your reflections. Best reflections win attractive prizes! Give your creative best!

Now, let's take a look at an interesting and relevant article:

Racial harmony is not a given
Both touch on threat of terrorism and the need to stay dedicated to living peacefully
By Jeremy Au Yong
July 19, 2009

THEY spoke separately on Saturday at different events to different crowds.

But both Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had the same stark reminder for Singaporeans: Do not take racial harmony for granted.

The harmony Singapore had worked so hard to build could be destroyed by a single flashpoint, like a terrorist attack, they warned.

Speaking at the National Orange Ribbon Celebrations in Bishan, MM Lee told the crowd he would dispense with the speech prepared for him by one of the ministries.

The Minister Mentor went on to speak passionately for half an hour about the challenges Singapore faced from its earliest days, to build trust between the races.

He said the first important decision the Government made was to break up the old racial enclaves and scatter Singaporeans among neighbours of various races when it resettled them in the public housing estates it built.

Singapore has come a long way since but MM Lee stressed on Saturday that it was not yet a nation.

'Over time we have become one community with many races, many cultures... Are we a nation yet? I would not say we are,' he said. 'We are in transition. But we will always progress provided we know where we are and what we have to do to get there.'

To drive home his point, he even took aim at the multi-racial performances at the event. They were a contrived effort which represented an ideal. 'This is an ideal which we may never completely reach, but because we have this ideal, we will continue to make progress,' he said.

Over at Bishan, MM Lee unveiled a 9-feet tall star-shaped structure containing 150,000 little paper stars, each one with a Singaporean's written pledge to live in harmony. An inscription on the structure carried MM Lee's own pledge: 'Harmony is a base for stability, growth and progress.'


Any comments? Feel free to share them!

The MOE Racial Harmony logo is in the shape of a heart, representing both the brotherhood of Singaporeans and the deep emotional, visercal bond that we all share. Red is also the colour of passion and energy, representing how we as a country are moving forward and boldly embracing our challenges and future.

This heart is also made up of four people, all joined together in a joyous embrace in a collective dance as they live in harmony. Where they have joined hands, there is a wonderful coming together of energy and efforts, and the yellow represents a bright light shining forth that illuminates our way and progress forward into the future.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

12,000 turn up to celebrate Singapore Day in London

By Channel NewsAsia's Olly Barratt | Posted: 26 April 2009 1740 hrs

LONDON: Some 12,000 people turned out to celebrate Singapore Day 2009 in London on Saturday. Singaporeans who live and work all over Europe travelled to Hampton Court Palace to attend the outdoor event, enjoying the food, live performances and the chance to mix with fellow expatriates.

Amy Kiesgen, who travelled from Germany, said: "I know Singaporeans. They're all homesick no matter where we are. We go as Singaporeans and as you know Singaporeans, we want to meet Singaporeans all over Europe. And I think, that they waited for two years for this day to come. And they want to also enjoy Singapore food, to know more about Singapore, (to know) what is going on in Singapore."

Chew Chee Keong, who travelled from Switzerland, said: "Firstly, because I think it's a rare opportunity for overseas Singaporean community to get together and really enjoy the authentic hawker food from home. And I get to meet a lot of my friends here, so that's the other incentive!"

Wee Kim Kian, who also travelled from Switzerland, said: "I think it's good about having groups...wherever you might be in the world... you still have a community you can rely on in times of need."

The food was provided by a hand-picked selection of hawkers who travelled from Singapore for the event.

There were also showcases of Singapore's changing cityscape, an update on Singapore's education facilities and an armed forces exhibition.

The crowds enjoyed live performances too, hosted by Michelle Chong and Adrian Pang.

Adrian Pang said: "An event like this, you know, bringing people who have lived out of Singapore for some time together, just for one day, just to soak in everything that they hold dear to them as Singaporeans, it's just wonderful."

Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng was on hand, too, to explain why he thought it was important to hold an expensive event like this at a time of recession.

Mr Wong said: "Even though the times are not good, we should not just enjoy when we have good times but, I think, in bad times we must also hold up hope for a better future....For Singaporeans here, some of them might be quite anxious about their jobs and anxious about their families back home because they might have members who lose their jobs. We want them to know that the government will put in place programmes to ensure that Singaporeans will be taken care of."


Thursday, April 16, 2009


This site is still currently under revamp. Do bookmark it on your computer, and come back often!

Meanwhile, do participate in the vote on the right column!

If you have any comments regarding the International Friendship Day event, feel free to use the 'comments' tab at the end of each post to tell us about how you feel.

Students with interesting and good comments will stand to win attractive prizes!

Monday, April 13, 2009

YOG Presentation Pics!

Here are some random pictures of Regenites presenting their YOG countries!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome to NE OMG!

The site is currently functioning, but still undergoing modifications.
Please bookmark this site!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This will be Regent Secondary School's

National Education Online Management Guide

Also known as NE OMG!

This is just to "CHOPE" the web address.